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10 Ways to Remember Your Loved One

Dealing with grief and loss can be especially difficult during the holidays. Here are some ways to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away.

Bradshaw-Carter Memorial & Funeral Services in Houston, TX

Dealing with grief and loss can be especially difficult during the holidays. Here are some ways to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away.

Add a special item to your holiday decorations specifically for your loved one. You might hang a stocking for them or set a place for them at your table. It could even be something simple like putting out a blanket that reminds you of them. 

Make a donation to a charity in their name.

Look through old photos and share stories with other friends and family members. When you gather with family or friends, pull out old photos and pass them around. Share the memories and stories that are brought to mind. 

Make a special place for people to write down memories. This could be as simple as a piece of paper and a marker. Or you could use a notebook, an empty gift box, or even an ornament or stocking. 

Volunteer your time to help others in need. 

Make a memory box. Have friends or family bring photos, letters, or small mementos that remind them of your loved one and make a memory box. You can also take turns sharing why each item is special and how it reminds you of that person as you place it in the box.

Take a trip. Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to travel or choose a location that reminds you of your loved one.

Cook their favorite dish or meal.

Make a special ornament. You can have a personalized one made with your loved one’s name or picture, or you can make one yourself. 

Take care of yourself. The most important thing is to remember to take care of yourself and pay attention to your needs. If you need to take a break and be alone, that is fine. If you’d rather be around friends and family, that is fine as well.

Taking some time to remember and honor your loved one can be healing and gratifying. Whatever you choose to do, remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Simply choose something that brings you joy and comfort during this holiday season.


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Tripp Carter

Tripp Carter

Co-Founder, Funeral Director



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