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Coping With Your Grief When You Lose a Parent

When a parent dies, you will feel many challenging emotions. Coping with your grief may feel insurmountable and as though it will never end.

Bradshaw-Carter Memorial & Funeral Services in Houston, TX

When a parent dies, you will feel many challenging emotions. Coping with your grief may feel insurmountable and as though it will never end. 

How can you overcome the problems you face after your parent has died? First, you must recognize that grief is necessary and that it is something you must work through. There is no shortcut.

It's important that you recognize and accept your feelings. Take time to cry, and don't be afraid to share your tears with other mourners. Talk openly with family members and friends. Express your anger if you are feeling it. Lean on your friends. They may feel awkward for a while because they don't know how to talk to you about your loss. You can help them help you by simply telling them what you need.

If you normally have a pressing schedule, try to lighten it. Remember, grief is mentally taxing. You don't need the added strain of too much to do. Set aside some quiet times just for yourself so you can think about your parent's death and put things in perspective.

If your other parent is still alive, talk with him or her and share your memories. Sooner or later, you'll likely find yourselves laughing about the good times as well as grieving for your loss. Gently suggest that your surviving parent not make any major decisions for several months. A grieving widow or widower may sell the house or give away belongings, only to regret those actions later.

What if you can't seem to handle your grief? There is no timetable for grief, so it's difficult to say when a person needs professional help. If you are worried that you aren't handling your grief, you might consider talking to a counselor. You may be relieved to discover that you are reacting normally.

If you believe you need help, ask your funeral director, clergyperson or doctor to suggest a counselor.



Posted by

Tripp Carter

Tripp Carter

Co-Founder, Funeral Director



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