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Dealing with Grief During Summer Holidays and Vacations

When you are grieving the loss of a loved one, the first summer without them can bring about many challenges.

Roberts & Hart Funeral Home in Westville, OK

Summer is a favorite season for many people. Unfortunately, when you are grieving the loss of a loved one, the first summer without them can bring about many challenges. Holidays, parties, and trips may no longer be as fun without your loved one. These events can trigger memories that can in turn magnify your grief. 


There are several major holidays that occur in the summer. If these were important holidays for you and your loved one you may find them difficult to cope with. The extra time off may leave you feeling more alone. It may be helpful to plan ahead for these holiday breaks. You might wish to be in the company of others. If this is the case, try to make plans to see friends and family. However, if you can’t be with friends or family, try to plan an activity to keep busy. You can also make plans to talk or video chat with friends and family if you can’t see them in person.

On the other hand, there may be some group gatherings happening and you may decide you don’t want to attend. This is okay too. If you find you are able to spend a holiday with friends and family, it’s ok to leave early if you get tired or overwhelmed.


Summer is a big travel season for most people. If you and your loved one used to travel together, it can be difficult to get used to traveling alone or with someone other than your loved one. 

If you are still able to keep your travel plans, make sure to plan activities to keep yourself busy. If you end up traveling alone, you may want to make plans to check in regularly with other friends and family while you are on your trip.

However, if you don't feel up to traveling, you may want to plan a staycation at home. Try doing something that you wouldn’t normally do. Visit some new spots near your home for a walk, try a new class, or even try some new sports such as kayaking or pickleball.

Remember to continue to reach out to friends and family and take care of yourself. Though this season of grief is challenging, keep in mind that you will eventually start to heal.



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