How can I get a simple will in Ontario?

 While making a will can seem like an unwelcome task, know that even a simple, holographic will can be helpful for your family once you are gone. Here is how to write a holographic will.

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A holographic will is a simple, handwritten will. Holographic wills are legal in most provinces in Canada, including Ontario. For many people, a holographic will is sufficient for their needs. No specific format or wording is necessary. It can be something as simple as "I, Bill Smith, leave everything to my wife.” 

Holographic wills are great in most cases. They can save money on legal fees and can be used in times of emergency. As long as you don’t have a very large estate worth millions of dollars, holographic wills are usually sufficient. 

A holographic will must be written entirely in your own handwriting. This is to help determine the validity of the will. As a result, things like computers and typewriters cannot be used. 

You should state who gets your property upon your death and names someone as your executor. There is no required length, the will can be as short as you want. However, you should be as clear as possible. Also, you do not need to add any specific legal language, such as stating that you are of sound mind and body.

Make sure to sign and date your will as this is typically required to be considered valid. And while you do not need a witness, you should at least have evidence that you created the will yourself. This can be as simple as other written documents in your own handwriting that can be compared to the will. 

If you do choose to go the formal route and create a will with the help of a lawyer, make sure to name a trusted executor in your will. An executor is required to sign off to move forward with the final arrangements. It may be tempting to name a lawyer or bank as your executor, but often this should be avoided because it's possible they may choose not to take on that role once you are gone. The best plan is to name two executors that you know personally.

While making a will can seem like an unwelcome task, know that even a simple, holographic will can be helpful for your family once you are gone.


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