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Why is it important to have a funeral plan in place?

Having a funeral plan in place is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones.

Webb & Stephens Funeral Homes (North) in Meridian, MS

Having a funeral plan in place is one of the most important things you can do for your loved ones. Imagine trying to plan a wedding or birthday party in just a few hours! Now, try to imagine doing that while you are grieving. This is why funeral planning is so difficult.

There are two types of funeral planning. "At-need” funeral arrangements are made at the time of death. Usually, these plans are made by a close friend or family member. At-need funeral planning is especially difficult because it happens at a time when emotions are high. It can be compounded by the fact that difficult financial decisions must also be made.

"Pre-need” funeral arrangements are also known as "preplanning.” These plans are made while the person is living. There are many how-to guides available to help guide you or your loved one in making these plans.

There are several reasons why it can be helpful to preplan your funeral. 


1) It eases the burden on your family. This is perhaps the most important reason to preplan your funeral. There are so many decisions that need to be made. The last thing they will want to do is make difficult decisions while they are grieving.

2) It eases financial worries. Preplanning your funeral arrangements allows you to make financial arrangements as well.

3) Your final wishes will be more likely to be followed. Whatever your wishes are, writing them down for family members makes it more likely they will be followed.

4) It helps your family plan a more meaningful funeral. Having a fitting send-off for a loved one is an essential part of grieving. It can be difficult to plan a funeral when time is short.

5) It brings peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about how your family will pay for the funeral, or when they’ll be able to make the arrangements during their grieving period.

6) It helps avoid family arguments and allows your family to spend more time together. Funeral planning can lead to arguments if different family members have differing opinions. Preplanning takes the guesswork out of planning the funeral. It also allows family members to spend more time together following their loss since they won’t have to spend extra time at the funeral home planning. 

 Contact your funeral director today to get your funeral plan started. 


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Webb & Stephens Funeral Homes (North)

Webb & Stephens Funeral Home Staff



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